Copyright © 2003- 2012- R.P.C.G.I. All rights reserved.

Part of RPCGI


What we offer:

Aero-Plate - front license plate bracket for the new Dodge Challenger
The best alternate to running around without your front plate. And probably getting a ticket in the process.)
How it happened and where to get it.

ShowCards by Suze
Each one an original work of art.  No pre-fabbed, cookie-cutter, plug your photo onto the same background
as the next guy boards here.  Is your car special?  Is it unique?  Why isn't your show card? 

Ask about a drawing or painting of your car.

Advice on Car Shows; Participation, Judging, and Promotion

Advice for Participants
Just a few recommendations to participants of shows regarding behavior and impression that may and
probably will have an effect on your success or failure.  We also provide some tips on what to do and what
not to do with your car, truck, or bike at shows.  Why waste your time on shows you stand no chance of
getting any recognition much less a trophy?  Here are some tips on which shows to attend and which to avoid. 

dvice for Judges
Some pointers on issues that could be the difference between your car show being a success or failure. 
Poor judging and favoritism is the Number 1 cause of failure in car shows.  Here are some of the reasons why.

Advice for Car Show Promoters
Whether you're raising money because that's your line of business or for a charity, we have some pointers
for you to consider before, during, and after planning a show.


The Great American Speed Trap Hoax -  Speed and Red Light Cameras
If you live in a community that has already started using or is contemplating adding speed cameras or red
light cameras to their aresenal in the battle to rid your streets of agressive drivers, you may want to read this
section. It may provide you as a citizen with some insight as to the real reasons these devices are being
used and what the elected officials and the manufacturers of these instruments don't want you to know.


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Contacting L.T. Performance Group


L.T. Performance 
C/O  R.P.C.G.I.
P.O. Box 42196
Towson, MD 21284
