Protective Service Operations

Although similar in nature and principle, Protective Services and Executive Protection do have some significant differences in application.

With today's increased vulnerability to crime, the demand for professional protective service operators is increasing. Requests for law enforcement and security agencies to provide protective services are on the rise.

Especially tailored for law enforcement and security professionals, RPCGI provides Protective Service Operations training from basic through advanced and into specialized areas such as estate and maritime protection as well as administration of these operations.

Our graduates include members of full time and ad-hoc details for civilian and military law enforcement agencies as well as specialized private security groups. We are proud to include officers and troopers assigned to details for mayors, county executives, and governors.

With 2010 being an election year, agencies must be prepared for the added responsibility associated with campaign visits. Make sure your personnel are trained to handle this unusual side of police work.

If your agency would be interested in hosting a class or holding an exclusive class for your agency, contact us for the details. Special scheduling and pricing are available.

Protective Service Operations - Basic

Length: 5 days - 40 hours

Provides the candidate with the basic techniques needed to perform protection details. This includes but is not limited to training on teamwork, identifying threat types,distraction tactics, performing a basic advance, types and functions of security posts, protective formations, and basic motorcade operations. Although theory is extensively covered, the program is approximately half classroom / half practical, emphasizing the importance of "hands-on" experience.

Training Division



Training Division

Protective Service Operations - Advanced

Length: 5 days - 40 hours

Building on the basic course this course further grooms the candidate for
an assignment in protective services by covering responsibility issues,
selection and training of a team, performing detailed advances, preparing
an Operations Plan, applying the correct person to a post or assignment
within a detail, and coordination between various personnel from other units
and agencies. The course concentrates heavily on threat analysis /
vulnerability assessments and surveillance detection and avoidance.

Protective Service Operations - Administration

Length: 2 Days - 16 hours

Specifically developed for supervisors and administrators of protective
service details, this course focuses on the responsibility and liability
issues, supervision of a protection detail, procurement of equipment
and training for the team. An in-depth discussion covers the problems
inherent the rotation of personnel, correct placement of the PSO
function within an agency's organizational structure, improper use
of a protection team, and the importance of networking between units
and other agencies.

Residential / Estate / Office Security

Length: 3 days - 24 hours

This course provides the training needed to perform on-site protection at a
protectee's residence or office. Concentrating on the physical security
aspects of protective service operations, it also provides insight on identifying
and documenting vulnerabilities, how to professionally interact with family
and staff, and suggestions on how to "sell" corrective measures to the protectee.
Surveillance and counter-surveillance measures are also covered.

Maritime / Boat / Waterfront Security

Length: 2 days - 16 hours

The waterfront and marine environment adds an entirely different
approach to protective service operations. Normal surveillance and
counter-surveillance measures do not work. This course prepares
the participants for the unique and dangerous aspects of conducting
details associated with boats, piers, docks, and waterfront property
and activities. Insight into physical security measures unique to this
environment plays a key part.

Protective Service Operations - Brief

Length:1 day - 8 hours

Provides law enforcement and security officers with the absolute minimum
required to augment protection details. Concentration is placed on
coordination with the detail being assisted and the importance of certain
posts to which the student may be assigned. The course provides a brief
but concise insight into protective formations and motorcades.

Courses Available

Courses Available

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