The Concept.

I was having a really difficult time thinking about intentionally violating the law, no matter how stupid that law may seem.  After all, I wrote a lot of tickets for some of those laws, including failure to display a front tag.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, if you didn't guess by now, I was a traffic cop for 23 years.  I guess that's why I'd worry about something like this.

Anyway, after buying my SRT, I started hunting around for a better front tag bracket.  Then it dawned on me.  Remember how I said Chevrolet did the same thing to Corvette owners?  Well, the C6 Vette has been around for a few years now and I figured somebody must have come up with a work-around by now.

That they did!  Man Machine Interface, Inc. of Ohio came up with a totally unique and terrific way of mounting a front tag to a Vette without any holes in the body.  Two posts that slide through the grill mount to a frame for the facia, and to the bracket.  Absolutely perfect!  CNC machined from billet aluminum for strength and durability.  Anodized black or polished.

Now if only the same concept worked with the Challenger.

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